K-8 Building: Fall Pictures will be on Friday, August 25th. All students will have their pictures taken as these are the pictures that go in the yearbook. Any questions please call the office. Thank You

Sorry for the late notice: With the boil water order still in effect -you may want to send your student to school tomorrow with a bottle of water. The water fountains will be closed. Thank you

Online Registration for the 23-24 School Year is now OPEN.
Please go to www.zr188.org and follow the registration instructions under the Site Menu.
Freshman Orientation will be Tuesday, July 25th at 6:00 PM (High School Gymnasium)

Due to the threat of potentially dangerous weather this evening, the ZRHS Junior Carnival is being postponed until Friday, April 14, 2023, at 6:00 PM. We apologize for the late notice, but we feel that this is the best decision for various reasons.
Again, the ZRHS Junior Carnival for tonight will not take place and is being moved to Friday, April 14, 2023, at 6:00 PM.

Congratulations to Brooklyn Reaney!!!! She designed the 8th grade shirt that the class has voted on to be their class promotion shirt. Thanks to Silkworm for bringing it to life.

Due to hazardous road conditions throughout the district, Zeigler-Royalton CUSD 188 will NOT be in session on Wednesday, February 1, 2023.

Tonight's (1/31/23) HS Boys' Basketball Home Game vs Egyptian has been cancelled.

Due to inclement weather and hazardous road conditions, Zeigler-Royalton CUSD 188 will NOT be in session on Tuesday, January 31, 2023.

Due to inclement weather and hazardous road conditions, Zeigler-Royalton CUSD 188 will not be in session on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

ZR High Announcement --- Re-Take/Make-up Yearbook Pictures will be Wednesday, December 14th. Club Pictures and Winter Sports (Boys'/Girls' Basketball and Cheer) will also be taken that day. Any questions please email Mrs. Eastwood at meastwood@zr188.org.

The Zeigler-Royalton Booster Club is now selling ZR designs on the following website until November 27th. You can choose to have your order sent to your home or to school. You will not have to pay shipping if sent to school. A pick up day will be determined once all orders are processed. Please contact Ms Eberhart at leberhart@zr188.org or Jill McKinney at jill@threadfx.com with any questions, comments, or concerns.

K-8: Student Council Food Drive: Starts tomorrow, see schedule in link for details.

K-8 Reminder: Wednesday is Blue day - Wear blue for Bullying awareness, Thursday is costume day. Student may wear their costumes to school. Must be school appropriate. Thank You

K-8 Building - Reminder: The students do go outside as long as the temperature is above freezing (32°). Please make sure they come to school prepared for the colder temperatures. If you have any questions please call the office. Thank You

ZRHS Announcement
REMINDER----- Fall Pictures will be tomorrow (Thursday, 9/30/21). Volleyball photos will also be taken this day! We are not using any paper order forms or taking pre-orders. All orders will be done online, with individualized codes the students will get from the paper proof.

ZRHS Announcement
REMINDER----- Fall Pictures will be Thursday, 9/30/21. Volleyball photos will also be taken this day! We are not using any paper order forms or taking pre-orders. All orders will be done online, with individualized codes the students will get from the paper proof.

K-8 Building: Jr High grades 6-8 , We will be starting Tornado Time (After School Tutoring) on September 14th. See the link below for more information.

ZR High School Announcement -
Please see the link below for details regarding After-School Tutoring at ZR High--- "Tornado Time".

Elementary/ Jr High Fall Picture day will be August 18th. Make up retake day will be October 22nd. Iconik has changed things this year, more information will be coming soon.

High School Parents/Guardians,
We are two days in and your students are doing great... You can be very proud of them and how they are responding to being back on a full day schedule.
Keep encouraging them to stay positive and engaged in their coursework as teachers start to ramp up instruction in the days/weeks ahead!
---Mr. Morgan